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Ceiling HVLS Fans

2024-03-14| 发布者: 怀仁信息港| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: HVLSfansareenergyefficientfansdesignedforlargespaces.Thesefansareknownfortheirlargesize(usuallyrangingfrom2.5to8.3metersindiameter)andlowrotationalspeeds(speedsof100rpmorless).Thei......
HVLS fans are energy efficient fans designed for large spaces. These fans are known for their large size (usually ranging from 2.5 to 8.3 meters in diameter) and low rotational speeds (speeds of 100 rpm or less). Their main advantage is their ability to cover a wide area and provide effective ventilation and cooling, while maintaining low noise levels (typically no more than 40dB), making them very popular in industrial, commercial and public spaces.

Performance Advantages
A. Wide coverage: One ceiling HVLS fan can replace several smaller fans, covering an area of up to thousands of square meters.
B. Quiet operation: Due to the slower rotation speed, HVLS fans have a lower noise level, usually no more than 40dB, making them suitable for locations that require a quiet environment.
C. Energy efficient: HVLS fans are more energy efficient than smaller high speed fans when pushing large amounts of air through the air, as they only require a lower speed to achieve the desired effect.
D. Safety: HVLS fans are mounted higher and do not take up floor space, reducing the risk of safety hazards such as employees tripping over fans or cords.
E. Space Saving: Compared to traditional fans, HVLS fans hang from the top of the building and do not block views or take up valuable floor space.

F. Cooling Effect: HVLS fans produce a cooling effect by disrupting the moisture-saturated boundary layer around the body and accelerating evaporation, an effect that cannot be matched by smaller high-speed fans.

Customized Ceiling HVLS Fans   https://air21xx.com/

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